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Fundamentals Of Power Electronics

The increasing focus on electrification for a cleaner environment has fueled the need for electric power in different forms. Power electronics is the branch of electrical engineering that deals with the processing of high voltages and currents to deliver power that supports a variety of needs. From household electronics to equipment in space applications, these areas all need stable and reliable electric power with the desired specifications. Power supply in one form is processed using power semiconductor switches and control mechanisms to another form, supplying a regulated and controlled power. While switched-mode power supplies are a common application of power electronics where power density, reliability, and efficiency are of prime importance, motor control is gearing up with more electrification in transportation systems. Precise control and efficiency are key characteristics for power control applications. The study of power electronics is thus multidisciplinary, involving semiconductor physics, electrical motors, mechanical actuators, electromagnetic devices, control systems, and so on.

fundamentals of power electronics

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Advancements in power semiconductor devices have paved the path for newer devices such as silicon carbide, gallium nitride field effect transistors (FETs), and power diodes. These devices have superior characteristics in terms of wide band gap that allows for high-voltage operation, thermal management, and efficiency. This has resulted in widespread usage of power electronics even in noise-sensitive areas, replacing the lossy linear power supplies and voltage regulators. The main advantage of these devices is that they can withstand high voltage when compared to the silicon devices. Thus, the systems can be designed with high-voltage capabilities, which, in turn, reduces the current and improves efficiency, for the same power to be delivered. In addition to this, operating the devices at higher switching frequencies helps in reducing the size of passive components, making the systems compact. The ability to handle higher temperatures simplifies thermal designs.

As mentioned in the previous sections, power electronic circuits control the input and output power. There are several types of power converters based on the type of application. When we consider the power source, there are two main types of power sources, namely alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC). This forms four basic types of power electronics circuits shown in the figure below. .

The drive towards more electrification has resulted in the need for more electric power. Apart from power generation, power processing plays a key role in efficient utilization of the available power. It is important that the raw power is converted to a form that is usable in different applications. Power electronics plays a pivotal role in providing power based on the desired specifications. The basic application which shows the significance of power electronics in our day-to-day life is the fan regulator. Before the advent of solid-state fan regulators, bulky and lossy resistive fan regulators were used. To control the fan speed, the AC mains voltage is passed through a resistor that is connected in series with the fan. So, when the fan is on, there is constant power dissipation in the series resistor. Research has come up with more innovative ways of controlling the fans or motors, in general, by controlling voltage and frequency. This is possible with the availability of power semiconductor devices.

Electric power is scarce, and it is of prime importance to deliver the power to the loads with minimum losses. Advancements in power semiconductor research has resulted in more efficient chemistries such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride. The benefits of power electronics are:

NI Multisim is a powerful tool used to simulate and prototype power electronics circuit designs. Multisim has large database of configurable power component modelse along with existing SPICE models from various semiconductor manufacturers. The powerful Multisim simulation enables the evaluation of different power circuits of different ratings at an early design stage. You can use models for IGBT and MOSFET switches, electro-mechanical components, different active and passive components, and switching controllers to accurately evaluate power electronics systems.

SPICE is the dominant technology for simulating power circuits. However, there are two aspects that make it more challenging to simulate power circuits than low-power analog circuitry in a SPICE simulator; the quality of the component models, and the accuracy of the transient time simulation of the SPICE engine. In Multisim, we account for both of these aspects to guarantee a best-in-class simulation and analysis of power electronics circuits.

This course introduces OPAL-RT systems and applications using RT-LAB. This course is a prerequisite for eMEGASIM, eFPGASIM, and ePHASORSIM. RT-LAB is used in a variety of domains, including power systems, power electronics, automotive applications, aerospace, mechatronics and more.

Her research interests include power electronics and electrical machines identification and control. She serves as a reviewer for high impact factor journals and international conferences and is a member of the IEEE, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) where she volunteers currently as a vice chair of the Lebanon Joint Chapter, RA24/IM09/CS23 (CH08807). She is the author or coauthor of 2 book chapters and more than 40 scientific papers.

Since 1979, he has been a professor with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Laval University, Quebec, Canada. He is working in the research laboratory LEEPCI. His research interests include the design & modeling of electrical machines and medium frequency magnetic components, AC drives and power electronics. He was Project Associate and consulting engineer at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, in 2010 and 2018 respectively.

Georg Lauss received the Dipl.-Ing. degree from the Johannes Kepler University JKU Linz, Austria, in 2006 and jointly from the Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland, and the Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France. He is a researcher with the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria. His main interests include electromagnetic systems, power electronics, system and control theory, mathematical methods for optimized control systems, hardware-in-the-loop simulation systems, and real-time simulation for electromagnetic power systems.

Georg Lauss received the Dipl.-Ing. degree from the Johannes Kepler University JKU Linz, Austria, in 2006 and jointly from the Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland, and the Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France. He is a researcher with the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria. His main interests include electromagnetic systems, power electronics, system and control theory, mathematical methods for optimized control systems, hardware-in-the-loop simulation systems, and real-time simulation for electromagnetic power systems. Georg Lauss is the Chairman of the IEEE WG P2004 Recommended Practice for Hardware-inthe-Loop (HIL) Simulation Based Testing of Electric Power Apparatus and Controls and the IEEE PES Task Force on Real-Time Simulation of Power and Energy Systems.

Operational amplifiers, BJTs, MOSFETs, integrated current biasing and active loads, differential and multistage amplifiers, frequency response, feedback and stability, power amplifiers, and introduction to digital circuits. The lab deals with experiments illustrating concepts in electronics. Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. A student who does not write with the skill normally required of an upper-division student will not earn a passing grade, no matter how well the student performs in other areas of the course. Includes laboratory experiments.

Single- and three-phase power system analysis. Theory and operation of electromechanical devices, including magnetic circuits, transformers, as well as DC and AC rotating machines. Fundamentals of power electronics.

Detailed study on the theory and operation of power electronics converters and systems. Overview of enabling power semiconductors switching devices. Introduction to feedback control of converters. Machine drive fundamentals.

Introduction to the physics and technology of nanoelectronic devices. E E 340 Introduction to Nanoelectronics (4) This is a required course for junior-level electrical engineering students. The first part of the course provides an introduction to the key aspects of electronic materials, quantum mechanics, and solid state physics needed to understand nanoelectronic devices. The second part is devoted to the fundamental theory of carrier transport including ballistic transport, drift, diffusion, and recombination/generation. The third part of the course applies the fundamentals to describe the operation of several basic semiconductor devices: p-n junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions, and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), and provides an introduction to fabrication methods used to create these devices. This portion of the course also highlights contemporary concepts in thin film electronics, optoelectronic devices, and solar energy conversion.The course includes several in-class demonstrations and also web-based remote device measurement laboratories. One of the in-class demonstrations uses a Breeze interface to link a field emission scanning electron microscope session to the classroom. The students can see and communicate with the microscope operator to visualize real nanoelectronic materials and devices at different levels of magnification. The remote device measurement laboratories use web-based labview software to collect device characteristics from silicon p-n junctions and MOSFETs fabricated in the senior level device technology class. The students are given microscope images of the devices and an assignment to analyze the device performance. This allows the students to compare ideal text book performance to non-ideal device response.

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